Monday, 18 January 2016

play eat snooze repeat


It's been so long since I last checked in here! It was last summer, to be precise.

So much, and in the same time so little has happened in our relatively new baby-mommy-daddy life since then - depends what is the measure and how you look at it.

Our 'baby' is now an 18 months old toddler, a big little boy. He is awesome and also a lot of hard work. Sleeping in the night is still not his thing. Sleeping in the day, not really his thing either. By now, we are almost used to it, but still trying to see if somehow sleeping could become a new favourite activity of his.

Between the three of us we happen to have a colourful collection of food allergies and food sensitivities. Figuring out a suitable diet has been our other biggest pre-occupation in the past year or so, next to the sleep thing.

Apart from those it's mainly been just lots of play and songs, reading books, learning to stand, to walk and to speak in all sorts of languages, learning what's hot and cold and what is rain and what is snow.

We've been regulars at playgrounds all around town, the buggy parked up by the swings always, the boy not wanting to get off even after half an hour. The hinta-palinta carried on into the subzero frost of the unusually dry winter months, and even now when there is ankle deep snow and a sled to ride on, the swings still must be visited every time.

What else have I been up to?

I have been thrifting a little - that habit of a hobby is still useful and still interests me, even though the habit of it has changed quite a lot. I'd like to brew up a post about that too sometime. Crafting - not so much. Ideas are aplenty in my head and in notebooks, time is in short supply.

And I have been missing blogging too - hopefully a new post will pop up here every now and again. Here's hoping...


  1. Hi Aniko, I'm so glad to see you back here and I really hope too to see posts from you! Hinta-palinta was my favorite too, I still remember how I would have wanted to never get down from it :)

  2. I would love to see a post about your thrift finds. Good to hear from you. How is winter going on in Finland?


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