Friday 21 December 2012

sepia stories

I have no memories of my great-grandfather, but he does look a lot like my dad in this picture.
My dad's aunt gave me this photo.  I love that she did, not just because now I can look after this piece of my family history, but because I also like it as an object. In the age of instagram and cellphone photography - however corny that may sound - I like holding images like this and look back to where it all began and what it used to be...

Photos like this are beautiful objects really, with their pretty, decorated reverse sides, all art nouveau and now foxed with age. To me the sepia colour makes these images and people appear ancient; it's the tan and brown world of old.

These other two are not family. My sister saved a couple of old photographs for me when they cleared out the garage space in their new home. She asked around and managed to find out only that the house belonged to an old cobbler who came from a long line of shoemakers.

I like them, even though their condition is less than perfect. The muse on the reverse with her out-stretched arms is still beautiful, even in her faded condition.

Then there's the cobbler family photo; funny how it is a similar feeling to gaze into these old unfamiliar faces of strangers who I've never met and my great-grandfather's who I've never met either.
There was something very odd about that wonky matted brown cardboard frame. It is of course home-made, it's makeshift and a bit clumsy but that wasn't what made it look so odd for me.
It looks almost leather-like, and I thought, a little creepy therefore... Well, it held a pleasant little surprise as I turned it around: it'd been fashioned out of a lid from a box of Christmas chocolates.

Then I noticed that little brass eyelet hit into the top of it - isn't it just like the ones you thread your shoelaces through..? And then I realized the brown paint on the front must be leather paint that cobblers use on shoes! It's not creepy after all, it's just been made by a resourceful shoemaker who was in need of a non-costly frame for a costly and precious family photo.

It warms the cockles of my heart when I find little details like that, and with a bit of luck - like my clever sister's single piece of information - the puzzle pieces fall into place and the object's history unfolds. Or at least part of it does.

The End (of old projector slides)

The EndKonec Filma or Vége - you can read it after the closing scene at the end of old slide projector tales, like the ones I've been admiring for a while now. Well in the case of these they all say Vége, which means The End in Hungarian.

With 21st of December drawing near, and with all that murmur about whether it will be the end or not, I thought it'd be only fitting to share these.

You can enjoy them for their nice old hand-drawn fonts, or their aged illuminated colours, or for the scratches and scuffs the slides collected through their working years.

All images below are borrowed from the Hungarian Virtual Slide Museum's site, and most are from the 1950's, 60's and 70's.

Saturday 15 December 2012

Disney's White Wilderness

I'm starting a series of posts called Book Love where I'm going to write about vintage books I collected, or happened to come across in some way.

First in the series is the Finnish edition of Walt Disney's White Wilderness (1961)

I rescued this book from the fate of being taken to the recycling centre, because I liked the full page  technicolour photos of snow- and icescapes and beautiful cold-climate animals.

I did my research and found out that it's a book version of the same title film made by Disney in 1958, which has become a little infamous due to the way they handled filming lemmings... you can read about it here if you want to. A little controversy won't put me off keeping hold of this book, even though I definitely don't agree with staging lemming suicides.

Besides, my improving Finnish allows me to enjoy the text too!

You can view the lemmings footage from the 1958 feature here - which is English-speaking of course.

Friday 14 December 2012

red & whites

Some finds in pretty red & white from recent junk store visits. 
Lately, finding nice retro stuff for thrifty prices has been quite hard - I think a lot of people are shopping for Christmas second-hand so the good stuff gets picked up pretty fast.
But still managing to be the first to spot a few fun pieces every now and then, so can't complain!

I don't think I have ever found anything Hungarian before, so this is a first, and a very likable example too methinks.

It's a lidded butter pot - well that's what it seems to be in this part of the world - late 60-70's era.
I like the apple motives, but I'm yet to figure out what to keep in it. Definitely not butter...

I couldn't find much factual stuff on Granit and their wares in English, not even that much in Hungarian, but basically in their heyday, they are said to have rivaled the famous Arabia of Finland factory as one of the most modernly equipped and highly productive ceramics factory in Europe at the time. 
Now that's being said, this butter dish looks quite reminiscent of this style of Arabia design from the late 60's and obviously was made for the same market. I guess that's how it ended up here.

Next, the first and only Christmas-themed thing I bought this year; a little table runner with snowflakes, candles and elves. I liked the nice old cotton, the simple resist printed design and needless to say, love that wonky white hand stitching on each side.

Now, this next find is rather random and it'd be more relevant if it was the barbecue season... A pair of red plastic tongs which have a bottle opener incorporated in the top. Inventive? I guess so.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

how I wrap with fabric for Christmas

I first thought of wrapping presents in fabric a few years ago, after reading Björk's account of meeting with a Japanese delegate when she was making her film. She mentioned that the delegate brought her simple but beautiful gifts all artfully wrapped in textiles.

At that time I was learning dressmaking and had a heap of fabrics in my stash that didn't work out or I changed my mind about. I thought - great, I use them up for gift wrapping...! And without much research or learning techniques, I bundled all sorts of things into them when I had an occasion for it. And I still do it that way.

I really enjoy the freedom and malleability of fabrics, and the way they lend themselves just as easily to both bubbly shapes and neat little parcels which can look effortless, pleasing and exciting.

You don't need to worry much about symmetry, crisp angles or creasing down corners . You can hype up a DVD or a book into unguessable shapes, or make a lovely parcel out of one of those items that doesn't come in a box and is a nightmare to wrap traditionally. There's also no dilemma about which hand should be holding down the fold of paper while trying to cut that very sticky tape with your scissors. Because there's no need for tape or scissors.

A piece of cloth and a length of ribbon can be a very creative combo in anyone's hand, so I won't even make a proper step-by-step tutorial about how to wrap with fabrics... it's so easy. But for good measure here's how, the basic steps along with a few tips:

You will need:
- lenghts or bigger pieces of fabric
- ribbons or string
- tissue paper (optional)

  • consider the size and the weight of your object when choosing your fabric for wrapping
  • you might want to wrap your present up in tissue paper first, to protect it, or to even out an uneven shape
To make a pouchy parcel: 
Plonk your object into the middle of the fabric and pick up the corners around it then pull to the top centre, where tie it tightly with ribbon. Style the top bit as you like; you can tuck parts of the loose fabric back into the ribbon for example. You could also use two different fabrics to create a two-toned parcel.

To make a square-ish parcel:
Plonk your object in the middle of the fabric and fold the fabric up, then around, until it's neat and square-ish. Employ tucks and tugs, then tie with ribbon when happy. I used thrifted fabric swatches (blogged about before here) which have nice pinked edges and also wrapped a contrasting second fabric around my parcel before securing the ribbon, but you could do many other variations.

The possibilities are virtually endless! There are a lot of inspiring ideas online too, if you need more than just my simple guide - look here on this beautiful website for some lovely ideas.

It's also suitable for all genders and ages; the pressies in my picture are for my guy actually. Just choose the colours and patterns of your fabric and ribbon to suit the person you are giving to.

I could weave it on and on about the greatness and ingenuity of wrapping with fabrics, but let me close on a sneaky one. Isn't a fabric wrapped gift the ultimate way to keep curious kids and grownups finding out prematurely what they are getting, in case they 'happen' to come across the hiding place? I would certainly not attempt to undo fabric wrapping in fear that it will not look the same when done up again...enough said.

Happy wrapping!

Monday 10 December 2012

is it dead or just hibernating...?

Sometimes I feel like something has been switched off in me and it comes back only sometimes, for blinks, like a pilot light, like a short eye movement between two sessions of deep sleep.

And with that switch, it seems, goes my energy, pace, inquisitiveness and the words...

I figure it could be the snow. The way it falls over everything non-selectively and makes noise into quiet with its frequency of white. A keyboard made of soft feather downs... The sound you hear in the cold side of the pillow...

Or it could be the wintry skies. Another blanket-like presence; and the jackdaws are gone from it too. I used to notice how they keep swarming religiously every morning, sometime around mid-November. They kept flying in big gloopy shapes above the market square or over the paper factory, for seemingly no reason at all.
I just noted first, then began to wonder about their strange display. I searched for a while for a good sort of an answer, but found not much satisfaction in swarm theories and the boids simulation.... My interest gave up and moved somewhere else, so did the jackdaws, and they were replaced by flurries of snow.

I feel like sleeping a lot. My mind and body wants sleep so I give it sleep. My diet changed too. I want no meat, no egg, no dairy, no complicated flavours...just rice. Or just green leaves. Or a simple soup. So I comply.

I've been feeling stuck for words. The quietness of sleep feels attractive, or just to be quietly wondering about this or that, about missing words, about movements in nature. About hibernating.

Or about this spider that I'd found in the broom cupboard the other week. I knew it was dead, but still it made me look twice. Not because it was a big one with long spindly legs; I looked because I noticed its curly feet. It struck me how it looked like a scribble, like a doodle of itself.

It also could be this small town. The tiny stretch of illuminated shopping street is like a postcard, it makes me smile inside and feel the warmth of the season's idyll, but rather like a Christmas lullaby. It's nothing like Oxford Street with its festive rush, stresses and overstimulating excesses.
It's sleepy and quiet, just like me.

Friday 2 November 2012

Pyrex & popping colours

Winter's come early this year - the first snow fell last week and daylight is diminishing fast. It's probably why I'm so drawn to bright popping colours and cheery patterns lately.

Last week we borrowed a car and drove to the recycling depot of the local Red Cross slightly out of town but nearby enough. It happened to be their 'Retro Week' sales going on and they had so many great vintage things for cheap, it was like walking into thrifting heaven!

We picked up a pair of pretty 60s coffee tins for a couple of euros (only one of them featured here, but they are identical), a small unmarked enamel bowl for 70 cents and a little java cup for 20 cents.

Also happened upon a couple of very clean Orthex lidded storage boxes in a bright red and bright yellow. I like having vintage plasticware from them, they usually come in great colours and are good Finnish quality and sturdy. We like saving our leftovers in these. 

These big kitschy mugs are great to make generous cups of afternoon tea in, which I seem to crave in the winter. Neither has any indication of maker or age, but I really liked the transfer pattern on both.

And finally, a couple of newcomers joining my beginners' collection of Pyrex ware.
These were sold in one lot for 4€. They both show signs of their previous working life but have no chips or real faults. I'm especially fond of the vegetables pattern.

I started looking up on Pyrex and found out that my previous find is the Briarwood pattern from the 70s.
Then in this lot, the small dish on top is a 60s snowflake-type pattern (possibly called Belmont?) and the fifties-look vegetables pattern is called Meran, also released in the 60s.

To find the name of these patterns I looked through lots of images of UK Pyrex on this Flickr group's page and on this pinterest page. Also, the girls at Oh So Lovely Vintage started a series on US Pyrex pattern identification.

Friday 26 October 2012

where the fleas are

Outdoor yard sales are over but in this country flea-markets are organised and kept indoors so we can hunt for treasure during the 6 months of snow and darkness too.
They are indoor spaces where sellers can hire a unit and are given a number to write on each price ticket, so the stalls don't need to be manned. Opportunities for haggling are seldom but things are usually cheapy cheapo anyway.

Above is an exceptionally nice example of an indoor flea-market near us - the rest of the local hunting ground is more utilitarian-looking.

So what's been hunted lately? Well, I'm gonna show you some random fleas.

I scored a great big 60's woollen blanket for a fiver - outstanding quality, great colours and spotless too!
It was made in Finland by Villayhtymä Oy and designed by someone called Aune Gummerus.

Look at that great big home crafted coat hanger with the hammered iron hook - I was amazed to find it in the take-for-free bin...!
My eyes were drawn to its irregular shape and accented woodgrain. I swooped down on it straight away and only admired it extensively at home.
It is a lovely object, the photo doesn't do it much justice... The other hanger is there just for scale.

I've been looking for interesting orphaned crockery and cutlery ever since we've got an own kitchen here. These espresso cups and saucers make me quite proud of my mismatching skills...

The 50's cup with the gilded handle is unmarked but is a fine bone china - it's my fave cup to drink my morning espresso hit from. The chunkier cup is Tams of England. The blue rimmed saucers are German porcelain, the red rimmed ones are Czechoslovakian.

Then I got some things that I don't usually get: a couple of wide 80's hair bands. The reason is that I found some decent sized pieces of soft-as-butter merino sheepskin and decided to make some earmuffs for myself and possibly as gifts.
Hopefully I can marry these items together into earmuffs - it's already subzero and snowing over here!

I also found a length of mustard cotton jersey - I'm planning to make it into a top.

The kitchen is always good to thrift for - this painted wood handled potato masher, a cheese plane and a french Mouli cheese grater (just like the one Amélie uses in the film) will be used well surely.

The kitchen utensils were practically free because we bought them alongside a rag rug from the local antiques dealer. When my boyfriend comes with me to shop at this dealer's store, we always get lots of discount - it seems to be a man's world in there...

We had a runner for the hallway on the wishlist for a while now and were happy to find this 3 meter long rag rug for a tenner.
I show you the corner of it - our hallway is very dark and the pictures didn't come out well.
Next thing to thrift is a good overhead lamp, I guess!

Tuesday 23 October 2012

flower art from Poland & from New Mexico

I've been lucky enough to win wonderful things - have I mentioned that yet? wink, wink... 
And not just any lucky thing, but beautiful art made by amazing artists, and both in a flower theme!

Julia's parcel to me was filled with pressed flowers, tiny hand-painted stickers and handmade paper.

She writes her dreamy blog The Sheer Stories about delicate photography and nature-inspired creativity. 

She gave away a wall hanging that she and her equally talented carpenter boyfriend made. It's now hanging in our living room, adding a touch of Polish country home like hers to the thrifted eclectica of ours.

Julia is incredibly creative and she shares all of it on her blog. See how she makes citrus peel candles, or different things out of flowers like natural ink or ice cream.

Shortly after, I received  another piece of flower art - this time all the way from New Mexico - and what came through my letter box was an original watercolour by the amazing Geninne!

She was giving away this unique piece of hers, with a bar of gourmet chocolate and a sweet paper posy in tow, to celebrate her birthday on her blog.

I'm very excited to own a piece by her; I'm looking for the perfect frame to frame it in.

The pink pepper chocolate is delicious! We've been enjoying it with friends and family. I still have a few squares left but probably not for long, it goes too well with my afternoon coffee....

If you ever wondered what does the creative space of a modern New Mexican artist look like, see Geninne's sunny home studio here.

One bloggie thing I always look forward to each month is her calendar wallpaper, always illustrated with her favourite flora & fauna.

She collects vintage postal ephemera which she uses ingeniously in her art.

Thank you both Julia and Geninne for your amazing giveaways! All of your precious handcrafted gifts have come to a very appreciating home.

Friday 19 October 2012

a bird, some bearded ladies & Soviet crockery

Today's finds are about simple pleasures. 

I've found a sweet little hand carved wall plaque capturing a bird perched on a twig. The wood is extremely lightweight, I wonder what sort of wood it might be... balsa? I find its naivety and obvious hand-craftedness lovely and interesting. 

On the reverse, there is evidence of the carver practicing his or her craft; plus a resourceful example of how to hang pictures: piece of leather and thumb tacks.

The following pieces of tableware were found on separate occasions, but I photographed them together because they seem to mark the beginning of a spontaneous collection...

They are all by the Russian Konakovo Porcelain Factory and most bear the stamp Made in USSR.
I like certain Soviet Era designs, so I was quite happy to come across plates and bowls this lovely.

They seem to pop up quite often around here and are not very pricey at all - each piece were between 50 cents and a euro - so I'm hoping to be able to grow my collection without restraint.

We love our coffee. We love our espresso in the morning and our decaf americano in the afternoon. And we like to store our precious ground beans in good airtight tins.

I picked up this gem from 1976 for cheap - I suppose it was priced down due to the tarnish.
But guess what - on the inside it's perfectly impeccable and the tarnish on the outside is in perfectly funny places.

This way we get our coffee from not just a lovely vintage tin adorned with lovely art nouveau ladies - but from a lovely tin adorned with ladies who sport a 'tash and a beard!

What a great thing to be looking at first thing in the morning - they make me smile every time.

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