Tuesday, 10 September 2013

misty morning

A beautiful misty morning from yesterday, seen from the balcony. Everything around suggests autumn, autumn, autumn. My favourite season! I love its colours, the harvest scents and that slightly melancholic anticipation of winter that hangs in the air.

It's apple season and I have a nice recipe that I will share soon! Our flu has faded, only the occasional round of coughs persists still, which if both of us gets going in the same time can sound like a coughing duet or a debate in a primitive prehistoric language. It's not that bothersome luckily so we both can get on with a normal daily routine now. Yesterday we even went out in the evening for a drink, and I tried apple cider - partly because it's apple season and partly inspired by Ana's post. My boyfriend chose a dry hard cider for me, I really enjoyed its flavour and its perfumed sweet-sour apply scent. The perfect finish for an unusually warm indian summer's eve and a lovely start to the week!

Wishing all of you a very nice week ahead!


  1. thanx for the nice pictures!
    hope you'll be completely well soon (althoug the description of your coughing-sessions made me smile)!

    kind regards


    1. Hi Sjoe, thank you I am better every day in fact I'm pretty much 99% back to normal now :) it makes me happy that you enjoyed the images and the writing! hope you are having a nice autumn too x

  2. Hey, you're right!
    It IS the perfect season to try cider for the first time! :)

    Around here (we're surrounded by farm land in several directions) they put up signs by the road, inviting you to drive into the homesteads and buy some freshly picked apples, and also non alcoholic cider—the kind that's cinnamony and warm, a cozy Fall treat.

    A beautiful week to you!

    1. hmmm, that sounds lovely! not just the cozy beverage but to have an excuse to visit strangers and see their farms and meet them. :)

  3. what a pretty red leaf!
    waiting for your apple recipe!.....


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