Wednesday 6 March 2013

the leaning tower of procrastination

I have a stash of vintage fabrics. It's not the largest stash ever, not even close but nevertheless it keeps growing and growing and growing.

The current stack is already looking like a mini version of the famous leaning tower... and then, here is my most recent find to balance on top in addition.

Every time I fold a new old bit of textile into the pile, I think exactly this same sentence to myself:  "I must make something with these soon..." then more often than not I leave it at that.

I am a bit of a magpie, and yes I have a stashing habit. However, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who is more of a stasher than a crafter when it comes to pie-charting one's motives and tendencies. I'm always full of make-do-mend ideas, I mean a whole series of notebooks are full of them..! With vintage buttons, I squirrel more away into jars than will ever use. With vintage fabrics, I stash more into tall piles than I will ever put my scissors to. Even though I could.

Because, you see, I also have a stash of skills and supplies! I tell you, this blog is called Idle Needle for a reason. This will sound like something out of a b-movie, but I am the Idle Needle...
The best bit is that I know exactly why I am like that. But - as Michael Ende puts it - 'that's a tale for another time'.

Well, I have news for you leaning tower of idle fabrics: I've started to make little things for the Craft It Forward challenge, and also have a line-up of simple projects which will lessen the idle fabrics and the height of the stash.

And as for that tale for another time, I'll be facing my demons in a mini series of posts about the sweet and the bitter side of procrastination.


  1. Ha, I know exactly what you mean. But I think it is a thing with fabric that a lot of us crafter like to I call it "collect". I only buy new fabric for a project that I am actually sewing, but for vintage fabric that rule dosen't exsit.
    Looking forward to your series of procejts with this fabric stash.
    Happy crafting!

    1. i like the philoshophy about buying vintage fabric - i am on the same page, if you come across it you gotta grab it. I'm quite happy to collect vintage textiles as it is, but yes I should also dip into my collection sometimes and make something nice. i find it stressful just to collect and collect...

  2. I am so with you! Only my tower is not leaning anymore, it has fallen into 6 mega drawers, that I trying to empty out project by project. I have a problem with using them for smaller projects, because if a big one comes up I do not have enough anymore and with projects that I do not have a direct use for. Very unrealistic and it has to come to an end. I am determent to start making projects for the future or as gifts.#Iloveemptydrawers :-)


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