Monday, 4 February 2013


Evdokia from have a ko(o)kie gave me the Liebster Award, which is a little like a cross between a bloghop and an interview.

So here we go, as a first for me, it should be fun... I'm pleased to present my lists of 11's:

Eleven random facts about me:
I am the daughter of a librarian and a fireman.
My surname - which is either Polish or Russian in origin - means 'little hedgehog'.
I can't drive - never learnt and probably never will.
When I was six years old I got bitten on the arm by a sausage dog.
As a child I wanted to be a geologist so I could collect rare minerals and rocks.
I have a green thumb and love gardening!
I wrote my diploma thesis on the wedding dress.
I am a perfectionist, a recovering one :)
Names and numbers are not my forte.
When I was eighteen I canoed down the Hungarian stretch of the Tisza river from top to bottom, in a two-week tour.
My dream 'me' is something like a fully vegan version of a cross between Björk and Mildred Pierce.

Eleven questions from Evdokia:
I am a natural born night owl, so night it is!
The song that makes me feel good is currently Cirrus from Bonobo!
I used to live in a big city, now I live in a small town.
I'm quite happy with my name, but if I changed it I'd pick something silly like....Karotta.
My favourite animal...It's a tie between a doggie and a goldfish.
I think you can fit both a square and a triangle into a circle so I'll have all three ;)
The last movie I saw was Cloud Atlas - loved it!
My favourite scent is fig.
A cup of tea or a cup of coffee?...Both!
First thing to do in the morning?...I drink a big glass of water!
First thought that comes to my head...Uhm, right now I'm wishing that weekends would be 5 days long.

Eleven blogs I'm passing the Liebster-award to:
Participation is totally optional - I'll be still friends if you prefer to ignore...
Weird Amiga
The Sheer Stories
Mini Matriarchin
The Owl Club
A Living Space
Second Time Around Finds
This is Wiss
Introverted Art
Sjoe's Blog

Eleven questions from me:
1. favourite era? (in design, film, clothes, etc - you pick)
2. favourite vegetable?
3. holiday in a campervan or a logcabin?
4. would you ever eat reindeer (like the finns)?
5. the hardest thing you've ever had to do?
6. shower or bath?
7. the perfect Sunday morning tune according to you?
8. your most memorable trip?
9. what do you collect?
10. your foolproof way to unwind?
11. a good book you've read recently?

If you feel like answering the questions without being on the Liebster list - or if you are on the list but don't feel like doing the whole shebang - just answer them in comments! I'm curious!


  1. loved your answers aniko!
    well i can't drive either... : )
    i will see cloud atlas
    now i know it is good!

    1. :) i really liked your questions so it was easy to be inspired when answering!
      i'm thinking to buy a secondhand (but goody good) bicycle for the spring-summer so i can cycle around in this nice part of the country without having to ask my boyfriend to chauffeur me around... hope it will be!
      yesterday we watched the Cloud Atlas again with friends - i enjoyed it again :)

  2. Hey, thanks so much for picking me! :) I am a bit behind with responding to awards - can't decided if I'm going to get around to it or not. In the meantime I think I'll answer your questions here... (they are good questions & I liked reading your answers to Evdokia's questions too!)

    1. I'm having a bit of a thing with the 1970s at the moment. I was born in 1979 so it feels like something I sort of almost remember/recognise but is still exotic.
    2. Broad beans (tough as I love anything green)
    3. Campervan - I'd like the mobility.
    4. Yes, I'd try anything!
    5. Be a mother (also one of the best things)
    6. I need a balance of both in my life: showers every day and baths on special days.
    7. Torn between 'Blue Ridge Mountains' (Fleet Foxes) and 'Song for Sharon' (Joni Mitchell) - that said this Sunday what we actually had on was an old Tribe Called Quest album!
    8. Travelling up the Queensland coast in Australia, staying on a near-deserted island at one point.
    9. Owls ;) but in a very haphazard way. And I keep pretty stamps in a mug. Vintage fabric - accidentally really.
    10. Make something with my hands.
    11. I can only think of The Examined Life - which you know about already...

    1. you're welcome! :)
      I can imagine these kind of bloggie awards might get a bit annoying in big numbers. I feel like I probably not gonna do anything chain-thing-like this for a good while...

      Thanks for answering the questions here! I know that love for the 70's feeling, I was born in seventy-eight :)

      I checked out the songs - they are really lovely! the fleet foxes one is really interesting sonically!

  3. ohh, I just saw that you tagged me.
    as I did something similar just a little while ago, I decided to answer your questions here:

    Eleven questions from me:
    1. favourite era? in buildings: classizism
    2. favourite vegetable? tomatoe
    3. holiday in a campervan or a logcabin? Mh, I `ve not tried campervan yet, but I`d love to one day (for cruising through Norway, Sweden and Finland/Canada/New Zealand), but I sure love logcabins.
    4. would you ever eat reindeer (like the finns)? I tried it once in Norway and I liked it, so yes.
    5. the hardest thing you've ever had to do? realise I was in such a hurry and forgot to say a proper good bye and then it was too late.
    6. shower or bath? Shower!
    7. the perfect Sunday morning tune according to you? birdsongs
    8. your most memorable trip? Switzerland in 1988, Hiking in Sweden 2001
    9. what do you collect? moose
    10. your foolproof way to unwind? Reading, walking outside
    11. a good book you've read recently? The hunger games

    1. ooh I'm so silly... I really should have contacted all my nominees, what a no-brainer to miss for me... :) glad you came across it.

      I think if you went on a campervan cruise through Scandinavia and Canada you could definitely have logcabins too! I actually love the idea of that, wish I had a campervan :)

      loved your answers - thank you for doing them!

      and I might rent the hunger games book from the library; i don't fancy the film, but i can imagine the book form is more interesting!

      thanks again and for signing up to the blog!


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